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Turn ANY IDEA Into a Digital Product


I'm too excited. I can't even talk. That's how excited I am for this episode. No fancy intro here because today, we're diving straight into the magic of turning any idea into a digital product. Whether you're offering one-to-one services or have a physical product business, incorporating digital products into your model is the game-changer we're about to explore.

Before we dive in, ensure you've downloaded my free guide, "65 Digital Products You Can Create and Sell Online" on And if you haven't subscribed to Her Own Magic on YouTube, it's time to hit that subscribe button.

Now, let's talk about the transition from one-on-one services to digital products. Many automatically think of online courses or digital downloads. However, a more organic approach is often rooted in understanding your clients through one-on-one interactions.

As you work closely with clients, a "golden thread," emerges. Identify recurring needs or challenges your clients face. This insight becomes the foundation for creating digital products, such as an online course. Condense your expertise into three to five key points, creating a valuable resource for a broader audience.

For those with handmade or physical product businesses, the challenge may seem more significant, but the opportunities are abundant. Consider creating templates for your products. For instance, if you design websites, sell website templates. This one-time creation can generate ongoing revenue without being tied to your desk. Templates aren't exclusive to web design. Whether it's course creation templates or how-to videos, these 90% done products provide customers with customizable tools, saving them time and effort.

If you're in the business of crafting, like making beaded bracelets, the key is to think beyond the tangible. Instead of burning out fulfilling orders, sell pattern templates. Your customers download the template, follow your design, and create their masterpieces. It's a win-win – they get guidance, and you get to enjoy your weekends.

Photographers, this is for you too. Create a membership site where customers pay a monthly fee for access to your photos for commercial use. Alternatively, teach your skills through tutorials or affiliate marketing.

As you brainstorm the possibilities, explore platforms like Etsy to see what digital products are in demand. Download my guide for a wealth of ideas.

Remember, the transition to digital products is about gaining more freedom, engaging your audience on a deeper level, and creating opportunities for both you and your customers. Dive in, get inspired, and watch your business transform.

Thanks for joining me in this episode, and I look forward to seeing what incredible digital products you create. Until next time!


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Hey there! I'm Amy Jo

Digital Product & Web Designer, Author & Artist

I love to create all things digital and help women bring their digital dreams to life!